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Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

A Psychosocial Recovery Coach is a NDIS support item for participants with a Psychosocial Disability and also require support managing complexities around daily living. The aim of recovery coaching is to increase a participants social and economic independence and participation through the provision of capacity building supports.


At Developing Lives our Recovery Coaches focus on coaching participants to have greater participation in and fulfillment from managing their lives. Recovery Coaches work collaboratively with participants, their families, carers and other services to design, plan and implement a Recovery Plan. Recovery Coaches can also assist with the coordination of NDIS supports.


We live by our motto: Recovery happens in community.


Our recovery coaches aim to: 

  • Build a recovery-enabling relationship based on hope.

  • Help participants to understand their rights and support them to build their capacity and self-advocacy.

  • Help you build a recovery plan.

  • Support the development of positive life goals to aid with recovery planning.

  • Provide coaching to build on strengths, knowledge, skills, resilience, and decision-making capacity.

  • Provide information and advice.

  • Help participants to understand and effectively use NDIS along with other services and resources.

  • Help participants to discover and engage with non-NDIS supports that are essential to long term recovery. 

  • Assist participants to connect positively with family, friends and community.

  • Link participants with clinical mental health, allied health and other government services.


Initially our Recovery Coaches focus on relationship building along with recovery-planning. Our Recovery Coaches seek to gain a shared understanding of participant goals, priorities, strengths and resources along with possible barriers that might be experienced. Equipped with this shared understanding and consistent with the expressed preferences, Recovery Coaches utilize their education and lived experience to support participants to gain maximum benefit from their NDIS plan. This includes linking with NDIS providers, clinical mental health services, community-based supports and other relevant supports. Most importantly our Recovery Coaches continue to connect, engage and walk with participants to help complete recovery journeys. 

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